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ELM Interactives for Grades K-8
Unrestricted Use
Public Domain
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Welcome to our website full of fun online activities! ELM Interactives for Grades K-8 is designed to help young students develop and practice computer, online literacy and research skills. ELM Interactives for Students is a collection of instructional activities on the Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM) databases created by librarians in the Reference Outreach and Instruction unit of Minitex utilizing the Student Interactives hosted on the ReadWriteThink site and provided by the International Reading Association, National Council of Teachers of English, and the Verizon Foundation's Thinkfinity. Each set of ELM instructional activities and Student Interactives are organized by activity and grade level and intended to be teacher initiated and guided. However, any of the activities can be modified to fit any grade, student, or assignment. The Student Interactives highlighted on this website require Flash and are best used on a desktop or laptop computer. These instructional activities can be viewed and used on-demand, whenever they're needed.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Jennifer Hootman
Minitex Reference Outreach & Instruction
Date Added: