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Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Course Redesign Map
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Intermediate Microeconomic Theory Course Redesign Map

EC 358

This class will further your understanding of microeconomic theory by building on Principles of Microeconomics. We will explore principles of resource allocation, including consumer choice, theories of the firm and market structure, and an introduction to general equilibrium and welfare economics. You will be encouraged to think critically about how these economic concepts and tools can be applied to the real world and used to provide insight into current events.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:
1. Develop models of supply and demand grounded in your understanding of firm technological choice and costs and consumer utility and budget constraints
2. Define and identify partial and general equilibrium and hypothesize how policy changes may impact these equilibria
3. Classify different market structures (perfect competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly, etc) and assess their economic implications
4. Explain how externalities and asymmetric information can result in market failure and evaluate potential policy solutions for these failures.

Social Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Jacqueline Sternio
Date Added: