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Political Ideology Reading List
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The following reading list provides a list of resources that are freely accessible for students of Lane Community College (LCC) through the LCC library or through the internet.

Catalog description:
Political Ideologies are comprehensive systems of political beliefs . More than particular opinions or suggestions for political programs, they contain interpretations of human nature, individual rights, and social life . They are oriented towards political action, containing particular programs for the structure of the state and authority, economic systems, and methods for solving political problems . This course focuses on the major ideologies of the modern era . These include liberalism, conservatism, fascism, Marxism, democratic socialism, anarchism, multiculturalism, feminism, and environmentalism . It examines the basic tenets of each ideology; the historical circumstances giving rise to their development and implementation, and their relevance to current political and social discourse.

Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Erika Masaki
Date Added: