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Literature Review Schlemmer
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The purpose of this literature review is to analyze the outcomes of e-portfolios in classrooms. Beginning with how eportfolios are defined and what they consist of, we will be reviewing research to evaluate the outcomes that may arise as a result of successful e portfolios such as student engagement, student achievement, and employability. Research on eportfolios in the past decade has looked at multiple facets of eportfolios including student engagement, achievement, implementation, content, and more. Research by McKay and Watty 2015, looked at the how and why behind eportfolios. The “how” provides information about how to use eportfolios effectively in classrooms and the “why” includes information on the skills and competencies showcased in eportfolios, the reflective potential, active learning, employability potential, and assessment. Eportfolios are used to enhance student learning and self reflection as well as keep students engaged and encourage them to be lifelong learners (McKay and Watty 2015). We will be focusing on student engagement and achievement in this review. The goal of this paper is to look at what eportfolios are and how eportfolios may be useful in classrooms to help engage students, help them be successful, and set them up for future success.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Erica Schlemmer
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