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CHEM 1007- Chemistry in the Kitchen for Sustainability (Juszczak)
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0.0 stars

Course Goals and Learning Objectives. The goal of this course is to give the student a basic understanding of chemistry and physical processes in the context of food chemistry, metabolism and cooking. The course also necessarily makes connections to the future sustainability of food and water. We aim to prepare the student for the increasingly urgent and complex national dialogue on the interrelated topics of global climate change, energy, pollution, extinction and the food supply. The specific objectives of this course are to provide the student with the basic vocabulary of chemistry, and a basic understanding of the experimental process as it relates to food chemistry and cooking.

Life Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Provider Set:
Brooklyn College
Emily Fairey
Laura Juszczak
Date Added:
Mapping in the Humanities: GIS Lessons for Poets, Historians, and Scientists
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

User-friendly Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is the common thread of this collection of presentations, and activities with full lesson plans. The first section of the site contains an overview of cartography, the art of creating maps, and then looks at historical mapping platforms like Hypercities and Donald Rumsey Historical Mapping Project. In the next section Google Earth Desktop Pro is introduced, with lessons and activities on the basics of GE such as pins, paths, and kml files, as well as a more complex activity on "georeferencing" an historic map over Google Earth imagery. The final section deals with ARCGIS Online and StoryMaps with tutorials, basic exercises on pins, paths, and CSV import, and a lesson plan for creating a research project presentation on an historic building in StoryMaps. In addition to an xml file that has been uploaded here to Academic Works, the module is also a live website at https://libguides.brooklyn.cuny.edu/cs-x. The site was created with Libguides software, and is a Community Libguide that can be reused and imported into other LibGuides sites. The website also contains links to two live StoryMaps, one on an Introduction to ARCGIS StoryMaps (https://arcg.is/1SX1zH), and the second, a model assignment on the history of the Fairway building in Red Hook, Brooklyn (https://arcg.is/1nbHP).

Cultural Geography
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
CUNY Academic Works
Provider Set:
Brooklyn College
Emily W Fairey
Date Added: