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Communication Law Syllabus
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Communication Law Syllabus

J 385: Communication Law

Legal aspects of the media: constitutional freedom of expression, news gathering, access to public records, libel, privacy, copyright, advertising, electronic media regulation, and antitrust.

It is important for all journalism and communication students to develop discerning knowledge of the legal protections and restraints placed upon freedom of the press in the United States.
The (aspiring) journalism and communication practitioner should also be aware that far from being static, the law is an evolving set of formal principles, always subject to interpretation and application by the courts. Both statutory and judge-made law, federal and state, involving American media will be the primary focus of the course. In addition, given that U.S. communication law carries global implications, this course will examine press freedom issues from an international and comparative perspective. The comparative look at press freedom will lead you to think critically about U.S. communication law.

The course will address the question of freedom of the press on three levels: (1) What are the legal limits on expression and how does a journalism practitioner avoid legal problems? (2) Why have courts, legislatures, and administrative agencies established the existing limits? (3) How does U.S. communication law interact with the laws of other countries in the unfolding era of global media?

Business and Communication
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Bryce Newell
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