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  • resource-center-for-family-focused-practice
F10 Communicating and Coaching: Strategies for Achieving Extraordinary Outcomes with Families and Staff
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If we believe that families hold the keys of wisdom to knowing what they really need in order to be self sufficient and thriving, then should we be extremely thoughtful about the ways in which we communicate with all members within the circle of support for each family? Should we consider modifications to current thought processes as to how, in the future, we can train our own staff to partner most effectively? Using a technique called appreciative inquiry, participants will explore conversations about how listening and the conscious pooling of collective strengths can transform how we relate to each other every day in our most significant and impactful field of work. Goal setting strategies will be presented for discussion and one of the most effective secrets to creating, sustaining and deepening the quality of our relationships will be revealed for consideration among the engaged participants in this workshop.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
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F12 Facilitating Attachment and Health Transitions for Foster Youth
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This workshop is intended to enhance understanding of the attachment disruptions that commonly occur in foster children who experience multiple placements. Discussion will help caregivers and professional providers identify common behaviors and accompanying needs of youth with attachment difficulties, and identify ways of facilitating relationship development for children who have difficulty forming healthy attachments. Lastly, we will discuss how to facilitate transitions for foster youth in a way that supports attachment and relationship permanence.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
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F1 Natural Supports and Shaping our Growth through Storytelling
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Fred Finch Youth Center Wraparound is once again taking the forefront in creative, outside the box ways to engage youth and families in the process of change, while likewise integrating fun and interaction back into the training process for our colleagues in the field. This workshop offers a chance to share how Wraparound providers can help youth and family develop a new, healthier perception of themselves. This creative method uses facets of storytelling in the context of essential Wraparound principles. Employing the framework of meaning making and the importance of uncovering context, this training encourages development in creative methods of finding supports as well as practicing strength based reframes.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
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F3 The Benefits of Lead Supervisors in Wraparound
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Staff employed within Wraparound programs often work with very intense and complex families which may cause greater risk of staff experiencing compassion fatigue, team conflict and burn out. In addition, due to the “whatever is takes” and the 24/7 availability Wraparound philosophies, staff may struggle with finding a balance in meeting client, program and fiscal needs on a daily basis. This presentation will detail the structure of Casa Pacifica’s Wraparound program in Santa Barbara county—in particular, the implementation of peer support supervisors titled lead supervisors and the benefits of having lead supervisors address the challenges Wraparound staff experience regularly. In addition, this presentation will detail how implementing lead supervisors in Wraparound makes good business sense from a fiscal, contract, and programmatic level.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
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F6 Are You Ready for Group Care Reform? Tales from the Front Lines of California’s Residentially Based Services (RBS) Pilot Project
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This workshop will give a background to California’s Residentially Based Service (RBS) Pilot and focus on the experiences of implementing a different approach to providing residential care which included the incorporation of Wraparound process and roles. Lessons learned from service delivery, cultural readiness and teaming with county partners will be shared to help those impacted by the upcoming statewide reform. Participants will explore their agency and county readiness for the upcoming changes.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
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F8 Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
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PCIT is founded on social learning and attachment theories, and it treats children between 2 and 7 years of age with disruptive or externalizing behavior problems. Participants will examine the interpersonal aspects of child maltreatment and how PCIT is an effective intervention for these families. Participants will learn about the basic PCIT concepts and their application to several different treatment settings (clinics, home visits, school and Head Start). This workshop is for Wraparound staff, providers, clinicians, paraprofessionals, home visitors and school based professionals evaluation system. He also leads CalSWEC’s efforts to foster evidence based practice in child welfare, and to address disparities in the child welfare system.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Date Added:
Join the Child and Family Team Forum
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The Resource Center has developed a CFT Online Forum which we host in order to offer a place where those engaging with CFTs may come together as a learning collaborative to share best practices and resources. Please not our CFT Online Forum membership is limited to CFT trainers, providers and tribal representatives at this time. Please click here if you are interested in participating in the online forum.

Social Science
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
Keynote Opening Remarks and Keynote:  Integration: The Path to Even Better Outcomes with Children and Families!
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This keynote address will include descriptions of recent innovations with the Wraparound process; in addressing poverty; integration of primary medical care and services to children with behavioral health needs; and with use of youth and family members as key staff in system of care implementation.

Social Science
Material Type:
Lecture Notes
Date Added: