There are videos and games that are available to help bring to life and aid in helping your student count from 1-10
- Subject:
- Elementary Education
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Author:
- Jessica Estrada
- Date Added:
- 10/20/2023
There are videos and games that are available to help bring to life and aid in helping your student count from 1-10
Una página web dedicada para incentivar a niños de primaria alta a ser creativos. Se proporcionan videos y actividades dinámicas para que logren desarrollar su creatividad y le den más valor al arte.
Students in 1st and 2nd grade will learn about the Caldecott Medal and be introduced to winners of this award. Students will be able to tell that the Caldecott Medal is an important award for picture books and is awarded to the book with the best pictures each year.
Contains Calling All Students- seventh and eighth grade Cover Sheet
No final do ano de 2019 apareceu o primeiro caso de COVID-19 na China e, pouco tempo depois, em 2020, foi decretada a situação de pandemia. Desde então, estamos nos deparando a todo momento com dados dispostos em tabelas e gráficos sobre o nível de contaminação, morte e recuperação por COVID-19. Essas informações chegam também às crianças através dos meios de comunicação, tornando importante que sejam debatidas com elas as causas e consequências da pandemia, incluindo a importância do isolamento social e campanhas de vacinação. A cartilha digital intitulada Aprendendo Estatística em Tempos de COVID-19, destaca a importância da Estatística no combate a uma situação pandêmica nas aulas de Matemática nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, utilizando tabelas e gráficos, informações reais sobre a taxa de contaminação da COVID-19 e dados sobre a campanha de vacinação no Brasil.
Este trabalho busca debater e mostrar a importância da temática de resíduos plásticos com alunos surdos, a fim de desenvolver métodos de ensino e aprendizagem sobre os problemas associados aos resíduos plásticos e suas implicações através das Ciências Ambientais, tendo em vista que esses alunos se comunicam através da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), e que esta, por ser uma língua desenvolvida recentemente, em relação à Língua Portuguesa, apresenta vocabulário ainda relativamente limitado. Assim, foram elaboradas uma sequência didática bilíngue e uma cartilha com olhar para a inclusão desses alunos nesta temática tão importante para seu desenvolvimento e na sua relação com o meio ambiente para que, através da língua gestual- visual, este alunado contribua com a preservação da natureza após ter conhecimento dos conteúdos em língua de sinais, transformando-se em agente multiplicador de práticas que respeitem a natureza.
Video of the Rwandan experience with developing and deploying a UNESCO ICT CFT / OER teacher training course
Cenário de aprendizagem sobre o tema "A célula"
Tutorial sobre com realitzar una cerca bàsica al catàleg de biblioteques de la Xarxa Municipal de la Diputació de Barcelona.
Within this collection you will find lessons, videos, handouts, and teacher guides you can use in your classroom. You will also find a brief summary of each resource with the source sited for further exploration, appropriate grade level, approximate lesson length, and learning standards.
In this lesson various quotes that are stated by characters in Hidden FIgures are written on chart paper. Students will use the chalk talk protocol to write explaing their thoughts, connections, and questions about the quote first and then respond to what their classmates have written. Students will move in small groups from paper to paper guided by a timer. After they have finished, students will discuss big ideas on the chart paper and then discuss and share out how this quote teaches us about the person based on inferences we have made with this activity. Do we think this what the author intended us to think? This protocol can be used for any book or topic in many subject areas. There will also be reflection as an informative assessment.
In this Seminar, you will be learning how to compare and contrast an event or topic told from two different points of view. You will be learning about how different points of view change the way you look at a subject or situation.StandardsCC.1.2.4.DCompare and contrast an event or topic told from two different points of view.
This sequence of instruction was developed in the Growing Elementary Science Project to help elementary teachers who were working remotely. We developed a short storyline that ties together a few sessions to help explore a specific concept. We tried to include some activities that honored and included the student’s family and experience, and some that included the potential for ELA learning goals. Students view a couple of videos and record what they notice and wonder about how plants change as seasons change. Students take a walk with family members to search for evidence of changes due to weather in their neighborhoods. It is part of ClimeTime - a collaboration among all nine Educational Service Districts (ESDs) in Washington and many Community Partners to provide programs for science teacher training around Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and climate science, thanks to grant money made available to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) by Governor Inslee.
Discuss the difference between Character traits and Physical traits. Students will use text evidence to describe character traits.
Language Mentors International (LMI) presents "Characteristics of Language Immersion in STARTALK Student Programs," a study to discover the elements of effective practices in STARTALK programs that prepare learners for 21st-century skills. The study targeted institutions that offer STARTALK summer programs in Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Hindi languages to middle school, high school and college students. The study was funded by the U.S. Department of Education International Research and Studies grant (P017A200034).
During this seminar, you will describe a character in depth. You will learn how to look at characters in a narrative in both a direct and indirect way. You will be learning how to look at a character’s speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and looks to help describe them. You will also be learning how to define character traits and how to analyze characterization.StandardsCC.1.3.4.C Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.
Cover sheet and example for check Your Mood at the Door
Contains cover sheet and teacher examples.
Contains cover sheet and teacher example/artifact.
Cover sheet and picture for checklists and checklist bulletin board.